AC RYAN 4-Pol T-Molex Female UV Blue
AC RYAN 4-Pol T-Molex Female UV Blue
Connectx™ T-Molex Female (crimp-type), UVBlue
AC Ryan's Connectx™ T-series is available in T-Molex (Black, UVBlue, UVGreen, UVRed) and T-SATA (Black, UVBlue, UVGreen, UVRed).
The concept of Connectx™ T-series is simple - Cables run through the connector at 90 degrees instead of sticking out of the cable from behind. This way, the cables are flushed neatly perpendicular to the drives instead of sticking out in a "U-loop".
T-Molex / T-SATA is also sometimes referred to as "90 degrees" connectors.
The T-series are crimp-type connectors meaning that the pins are built-into the connectors and wires are connected by punching through (known as "crimping") like network / telephone cables. A cap is then clicked in.
The T-Molex / T-SATA normally comes with "pass-through" cap. The "pass-through" caps allow wires to pass through and is for use when the connector is installed in the middle of the cable. If you are planning to install the connector at the end of the cable, you can ask your retailer for the "endcap" which does not allow the wires to go through the connector.
Cool UVBlue glows under UV lighting.
Stik | T-Molex Female |
Farve på produkt | Blå |
Antal pr. pakke | 100 stk |
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